Thursday, September 13, 2007


To err is human, to forgive is divine. They say confession is good for the soul. To own up to a 'misdemeaour' is a an admission of guilt. The question is what motivate people to 'fess all'.

There are many reasons why people admit to mistakes. Among others are;

1. They are guilty; enough said!!
2. They are genuinely contrite
3. They want to be forgiven and hence guilt free
4. They are attention seekers and they want the world to know they did it!!!
5. They own up in order to move on
6. Regret and penance
7. Divine salvation

Fasting month is the time to reflect on past mistakes and make amends. It is also the time to accumulate merit points (in religious sense). During this month, it's higly recommended to 'detox' from "earthy pleasures";"decadent" or "sinful" activities - in short "do no evil, see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil".

Ramadhan is a sure way to warrant good behaviours among fellow believers. Wouldn't it be good if this state of affair continue all year round?? I know this is very pollyannaish but it sure will make the world a better place to live. Happy Fasting Everyone and Be Good!

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