Wednesday, February 6, 2008


in·ten·tion (in tens̸hən): the act or fact of intending; determination to do a specified thing or act in a specified manner

is behind every actions. Intent is an action based on want, need and desire. As I see it, an intention is a deliberate action and therefore a free choice. There are different types of intentions. Intentions can be driven by different feelings depending where you are located spiritually or emotionally. Obviously there are positive intentions which come from a good place (kindness, generousity, benevolence). Negative intentions come from malice, anger, rage, envy and jealousy.

When you have positive intentions, the recipients of your actions will feel good, happy and loved. Your positive action says you choose to honour and respect people. What you receive in return is bountiful and it empowers you spiritually. You will feel good about yourself and you will attract good things. Positive attracts positive.

It's the opposite for negative intentions. This particular intention has the power to hurt, humiliate, belittle and anger the recipients. Negative intentions will not bring you happiness. Instead you will feel alienated, miserable and unhappy. What it says about you is the following adjectives: insecure, bitter and low self-esteem. Negative attract negative.

Life is definitely not a bed of roses. There are ups and downs and we are definitely no angels. There are times when we feel happy, sad, angry, irksome and envious. We wouldn't be humans if we don't have any of those feelings. However, as a human being we know the difference between right and wrong, truth or lies. We are actually in the driving seat. We can choose our actions and intentions for better or for worse.

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