Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello 2010

It has been 2 weeks since we lived in 2010. I remember the coming of the new year vividly.........I was actually outside the house at midnight to watch the fireworks to mark the coming of 2010. It was a beautiful sight. The sky was lighted with gorgeous display of fireworks.

As I was watching the night sky, I saw a big new moon. It made me smile as it reminded me of the movie 'new moon' which caused a frenzy amongst teens all over the world.

In some cultures, new moon means a new life or beginning. Isn't that interesting? Normally, people make new resolutions to mark the beginning of a new year. To be honest, I haven't made any for many, many years. However, what I do know for sure are the following:

1. Be yourself and remain authentic
2. Live, laugh and relax
3. Don't sweat over small stuff
4. Live graciously and in gratitude
5. Don't take your family and friends for granted
6. It's just a moment and its not for the rest of your life is my favourite mantra
7. Always consider the bigger picture
8. Take charge of your life. You are in the driving seat
9. It's NOT always about YOU. Don't play a victim. It's pathetic!
10. All actions have consequences. You have to learn to submit, accept and take responsibility.

Have a happy 2010 everyone and stay positive! :)

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