Friday, December 21, 2007

Introducing "The Terror of the Neighbourhood"

I have been talking about my feline friends in my purrvious entries. I have two furry friends. This is one of them. Here, she is in one of her moods. She can be such a diva but to moi, she is absolutely purrfect. You can tell from the pictures she's very personable and has a great sense of humour.

Plate 1: Isn't she cute??

Plate 2: Miss Catnip 2007

Plate 3: I'm dreaming of catnip...yummy!!!

Despite her good looks, this particular feline is the terror of the neighbourhood. Cats and even dogs in the block kow tow to this queen. She is one special kitty as she possesses psychic power (refer to purrvious entry on E.S.P.). This tabby sleeps in my room at night. She would sometimes share my pillow and I would wake up with her head beside mine. Isn't she fabpurrless??

Watch This Space

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