I have been surfing the TV channels for something to watch - but- alas, there's nothing exciting on the box tonight. I am bored, really bored. I have things to do but I can't just sum up the energy to do my chores - don't want to think about work as it just make me sick to the stomach!!
For the past few days, I have been feeling really morose and depressed. I can't seem to shake the darkness. Believe me I tried! However, the feeling of helplessness was really strong. I was simply not in a good place and I really needed an outlet to let it all out!! I don't know why I am feeling like this -- i mean i have a good life and i have nothing to complain and yet why did I feel so down in the dumps?!!!
I suppose everyone goes through a rough patch in their lives, or the time of the month is fast approaching which may explain this moodiness... Whatever it is, I want this heavy feeling to just go away....
It wasn't until this afternoon when the darkness slowly dissipate. I had an A-ha moment when a good friend of mine said in a conversation that 'laughter is the best medicine'. I think she is right, humour and laughter will uplift the soul. I had a hearty belly laugh and it felt damn good.
Call it serendipity, a chance comment by my good friend and a song heard on the radio called 'open your eyes' by Maher Zain that made me pulled myself out of the blues. When you feel so down, look no further, pray to God. God loves us.
The moral of the story is - God is everywhere and will always be by your side.